Advent Sermon series resources
Week 1: hope
Gifts have become one of the most important things about the advent season. That can be good and bad but non-the-less gifts are very connected to Christmas. But in the midst of all this Gift stuff that goes on during Christmas I want to tell you that God has a gift for you this Advent season. That’s right – God has a gift that He would love to give us this Christmas. This Gift…is the Gift of Hope!
Week 2: peace
Today we continue our series on the weary world rejoices with a focus on peace. How can we rejoice when peace seems elusive in a broken world? When we understand the story of salvation in Isaiah 8-12 we understand what it means that the Prince of Peace was born on Christmas day. That gives us reason to rejoice.
Week 3: joy
This is week three of our four-week Advent series. At the moment, we are walking through Advent – which is the time in the church calendar set aside to focus on the arrival of Christ. It is to be a dark time because it is a time of waiting. During it, we are to be looking ahead to the first coming of the Messiah. Each of the four weeks have a theme. Today’s theme is joy. Which, of course, is a big theme in the Bible.
Week 4: love
This is the final week of Advent. The four weeks set aside to prepare for the celebration of Christ’s birth and to remind ourselves of his promised return. Christianity is not simply a moral philosophy or a set of ethical guidelines. It is a comprehensive worldview based on the bold proclamation: “Jesus loves me.” The Bible declares is that God is a personal being who loves that which he made.