we want to meet you.
Christ Church Young Adults exists to proclaim the Gospel to emerging adults in the Lake County area. We aim to be disciples of Jesus, and hope to grow together through prayer, fellowship, and the study of God’s Word.
Let's Connect
If you’re interested in learning more, contact
Luke Babbe at lbabbe@christchurchil.org or Josiah Fuchs at jfuchs@christchurchil.org
Text “ccyag” to 81010 to sign up for text reminders.
Upcoming Events

Weekly Gatherings
We have an open young adults small group meeting every week. This group spends time getting to know one another, reading the Bible and praying together.
MONDAYS – 6:30-9 PM
at Christ Church Lake Forest
6:30-6:45 – meet in A201 to socialize and have snacks
6:45-7:15 – Announcements and Teaching
7:15-8:30 – Small groups meet together to discuss teaching and pray with each other
8:30-9:00– gather together in B201 (Cove room) for games and fellowship
Contact Luke Babbe at lbabbe@christchurchil.org for more info.