Discover who Jesus is through the book of Mark. We’ll explore who he was, what he actually did, and most importantly, what that means for our own lives today. Each week, we’ll unpack real stories that show Jesus‘s heart – how he treated people, what he cared about, and the kind of life he invites us to live. The goal isn’t just to learn interesting facts, but to ask: “What if we actually lived like Jesus did?” Whether you’re someone who‘s been around church forever or you’re just curious about who Jesusreally is, there’s something here for you.
JANUARY 19 | Mark 3:7-35
In this powerful message, Pastor Dustin explores how Jesus reveals humanity’s true deepest need through three key scenes in Mark chapter 3. While many today, like tech entrepreneur Brian Johnson, believe defeating death is humanity’s greatest need, Jesus shows us something far more fundamental.
JANUARY 12 | MARK 2:1 – 3:6
Join us as Pastor Ben Dockery takes us on an unusual “reverse drive-thru” journey through five controversial encounters in Mark’s Gospel, each revealing a different aspect of Jesus’s divine authority. Using a creative analogy from a backwards ice cream run with his family, Pastor Ben unpacks how these controversies help answer the fundamental question: Who is Jesus?
Join us as Pastor Syler Thomas explores the profound questions of life and faith through the lens of Kacey Musgraves’ song “The Architect” and Mark chapter 1. This sermon kicks off our new series on the Gospel of Mark, examining Jesus’ first public message and what it means for us today.
This Advent season, join us for “Patience in the Promise,” a series that traces God’s faithfulness through four powerful stories of waiting and fulfillment. Beginning with Abraham and Sarah’s journey of trusting God’s seemingly impossible promise, we’ll move through Joseph’s testimony of God’s faithfulness amid suffering, then explore Mary’s extraordinary role in God’s unfolding plan. Finally, we’ll conclude with Simeon and Anna, whose story reminds us that while Advent is traditionally a season of waiting, we now celebrate from the other side of fulfillment – the promised Messiah has come.
In this powerful message, Pastor Drew Gadsden shares personal stories and biblical insights about what it truly means to love God with all your heart. Drawing from his own transformation journey, Pastor Drew challenges us to examine what’s really in our hearts as we enter 2025. Through candid examples from his social media history and personal experiences, he demonstrates how God can transform even the most distant heart into one that fully loves and trusts Him.
Join Pastor Ben Dockery as he explores the profound story of Simeon and Anna encountering baby Jesus at the temple, and what their experiences teach us about finding true satisfaction for our souls. Drawing from Luke 2, Pastor Ben examines how these two witnesses recognized the promised salvation and found deep contentment in God’s faithfulness.
In this sermon, Pastor Mike explores the Annunciation – the moment when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary announcing she would give birth to Jesus. Through examining how the original readers would have understood Luke’s account, we discover profound insights about God’s nature and what true surrender looks like.
In this powerful Advent message, we explore the story of Joseph (of the Old Testament) and how his response to betrayal and suffering mirrors Christ’s ultimate example. During this season of waiting and anticipation, Joseph’s story teaches us valuable lessons about forgiveness, perspective, and trusting God’s bigger plan.
In a world of instant gratification and high-speed everything, Pastor Paul reminds us why we need Advent – a season of intentional waiting and patience. Drawing from Abraham’s story of waiting for God’s promises, this message explores how waiting shapes our faith and character.