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Exodus: Redeemed Pt. 2 Sermon Series

Continuing our expedition through the book of Exodus, we now embark on the next leg of our journey in “Exodus: Redeemd Pt. 2.” In this series, we will traverse the pages of Exodus 33 to the end of the book, uncovering the breathtaking revelations of God’s unwavering commitment to His people. As we pick up where we left off, we find the Israelites at a critical juncture in their relationship with God, but He is not finished with them yet.

In “Exodus: Redeemed Pt. 2,” we will witness the remarkable restoration of God’s presence among His people, exploring the significance of the Tent of Meeting and the awe-inspiring construction of the Tabernacle. Through this series, we will discover how God’s restoration goes beyond mere physical deliverance, pointing to the ultimate restoration found in Christ. Join us on this transformative journey as we uncover the depths of God’s restorative power in the lives of the Israelites and in our own lives today.

June 30 | Exodus 40

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Mike concludes a 10-month series on the book of Exodus, highlighting how it points to Jesus Christ. Using vivid illustrations and personal stories, he explores the deeper meanings of the Tabernacle, the Passover, and God’s presence among His people.


June 23 | Exodus 35

In this thought-provoking sermon, Pastor Mike Woodruff explores the concept of beauty as presented in the Bible, particularly in Exodus 35-39. He challenges modern notions of subjective beauty and argues for the existence of objective beauty as defined by God.


June 16 | Psalm 78

Pastor Ben Dockery delivers a powerful Father’s Day message based on Psalm 78, emphasizing the importance of passing on faith and the stories of God’s faithfulness to future generations.


June 9 | Exodus 34:1-7

In this powerful sermon, the pastor delves into the topic of trust, particularly focusing on what it means to trust in God. Drawing from Exodus 34:6-7, he explores the character and attributes of God, emphasizing His compassion, grace, slowness to anger, steadfast love, and justice.


June 2 | Exodus 33:12-17

In this sermon, Pastor Syler discusses Exodus 33 and highlights three key words: presence, rest, and name. He shares personal stories to illustrate the significance of each word and how they relate to our relationship with God.

Pastor Syler emphasizes that when we approach God with our needs, He responds by offering His presence, rest, and the assurance that He knows us by name. Just as Jesus submitted to the Father’s will in the garden, we can trust in God’s provision and find rest in His presence.

March 31 | John 20:1-2

In John 20:1-2, the discovery of the empty tomb by Mary Magdalene early on Easter morning encapsulates the essence of Christian hope and the promise of new beginnings. This pivotal moment, marking Jesus’ victory over death, invites us into a personal encounter with the living Christ, challenging us to remove barriers and open ourselves to the transformative power of faith. The empty tomb is not just a historical event but a symbol of hope, light, and life triumphing over despair, darkness, and death. As we reflect on this profound mystery, we are called to live in the reality of the resurrection, embodying its promise and sharing its light with the world.

March 24 | Mark 11:1-11

In this compelling sermon, Josiah Fuchs delves into the significance of Jesus’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, as described in Mark 11:1-11, highlighting the profound lessons on authority, obedience, and worship. This message invites us to reconsider our understanding of victory, authority, and worship, especially as we approach the solemnity and celebration of Holy Week.


March 17 | Exodus 31:1-11

Exodus 31:1-11 illustrates the theme of utilizing our gifts for God’s glory, detailing God’s appointment of Bezalel and Oholiab to construct the Tabernacle. This passage underscores that our talents are purposefully bestowed by God, who fills us with the Spirit to achieve greatness in craftsmanship and collaboration. 

March 10 | Exodus 28:15-30

This passage discusses the construction of the High Priest’s breastpiece, symbolizing the carrying of the Israelite tribes on his heart before God, signifying unity and intercession. It introduces the Urim and Thummim within the breastpiece, serving as divine instruments for guidance. Mike will be focusing his sermon on God’s Will. 

March 3 | Exodus 28

In this transformative sermon by Pastor Paul Fowler at the Lake Forest campus of Christ Church, we embark on a journey through the Old Testament, specifically focusing on the detailed and symbolic priestly garments outlined in Exodus 28. Pastor Fowler masterfully connects these ancient texts to our modern-day lives, urging us to understand and embrace our roles in the priesthood of believers. Through his guidance, we discover the timeless relevance of these scriptures and how they illuminate our path to living a life rooted in faith, purpose, and direct access to God.

February 25 | Exodus 27:1-8

In Exodus 27:1-8, we delve into God’s detailed instructions to Moses for constructing the altar of acacia wood, a central piece in the Tabernacle that symbolizes the necessity of sacrifice for atonement. This altar, overlaid with bronze and adorned with horns, represents the strength and power of divine forgiveness, where innocent sacrifices were made for the redemption of the people. Through this passage, we learn about the profound significance of the altar not only as a place of sacrifice but also as a precursor to the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, embodying the intersection of divine justice and mercy.

February 18 | Exodus 26:1-6

Exodus 26:1-6 provides detailed instructions from God to Moses regarding the construction of the Tabernacle’s outer covering. The passage emphasizes the importance of precision and reverence in worship, as the Tabernacle symbolizes God’s presence among His people. Believers are called to create sacred spaces where God’s glory can dwell, mirroring the meticulous obedience of the Israelites in following God’s instructions. Ultimately, the Tabernacle serves as a reminder of God’s desire to dwell intimately among His people, highlighting the need for our hearts to be prepared as holy dwelling places for His presence.

February 11 | Exodus 25:10-22

In Exodus 25:10-22, God instructs Moses to construct the Ark of the Covenant, a symbol of His presence among His people. This passage highlights the importance of honoring God’s presence and following His commands with reverence and obedience.

February 4 | Exodus 25:1-9

In Exodus 25:1-9, God instructs Moses to gather offerings from the Israelites to build a sanctuary, emphasizing the importance of voluntary and willing contributions from the heart. This passage underscores the idea that true worship involves the generous giving of one’s resources and talents for the purpose of honoring and glorifying God.

January 28 | Exodus 24:1-8

In Exodus 24:1-8, Moses, along with Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and seventy elders, ascends Mount Sinai to ratify the covenant between God and the Israelites. The people express their commitment to follow God’s commands, and Moses seals the covenant with a sacrificial offering, symbolizing the unity and sacred agreement between God and His chosen people.

January 21 | Psalm 19:7-11

Psalm 19:7-11 extols the virtues of the law of the Lord, emphasizing its transformative power to revive the soul, make the simple wise, and rejoice the heart. It underscores the incomparable value of God’s statutes, precepts, and commandments, likening them to pure gold and honey, inviting believers to cherish and live by the divine guidance found in His Word.

January 14 | Exodus 20:1-17

Exodus 20:1-17 contains the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. In these verses, God outlines fundamental principles for righteous living, emphasizing the importance of devotion to Him, ethical conduct, and respect for others as integral aspects of a virtuous life.

Connection Sunday: Acts 2:42-47

In Acts 2:42-47, we witness the early Christian community devoted to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Their unity and generosity created a vibrant and awe-inspiring testimony, reminding us of the transformative power of living in harmony with God and one another.

New Years Eve: Hebrews 12:1-2

In this one-off sermon, we turn our hearts to Hebrews 12:1-2, where the Apostle encourages us to run the race of faith with endurance, laying aside every weight that hinders us. As we fix our gaze on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith, we are reminded that He endured the cross for the joy set before Him. Join us for a powerful reflection on perseverance, surrender, and the enduring love of our Savior, setting the tone for our upcoming series, “Exodus: Redeemed.”