PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter), Waukegan, Illinois offers our church family opportunities to provide and serve food for the homeless in the Waukegan area. All PADS homeless housing clients […]
Our Crossroads Campus supports P.L.A.N. (People Lending Assistance Network). They provide food, clothing, appliances, education and job assistance to individuals and families in our local community.
Our Highland Park campus supports the Moraine Township Food Pantry. The public is welcome to donate non-expired food and to volunteer their services at 777 Central, Highland Park.
Christ Church is looking for volunteers to help register, distribute food, and pray for families in need in partnership with the Northern Illinois Food Bank. Click the volunteer button below […]
Our Highland Park campus supports Community Partners for Affordable Housing. Community Partners provides affordable housing (both ownership and rental) for community members who struggle to meet their basic human need […]