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 church LEadership

Elders & Deacons at Christ Church

nominations open through april 2


Current Deacons


Deacons are officials elected by the congregation for a fixed term. They report to the Elders and are responsible for the church’s business affairs, including its budget and human resources.


  • Bill Bast
  • Sonja Dellinger
  • Kendrick Gordon
  • Steve Griffith
  • Brad Hahn
  • Leslie McClellan
  • Kendall Mills
  • Mike Neil
  • Bill Oakley
  • Kevin Scott (Chair)
  • Lisa Walsh
  • Hui Yi

DEACON Process

RESPONSIBILITIES. Subject to the oversight and ultimate responsibility of the Elders, and except for any matters specifically reserved to the Members, the Deacons are responsible for all of the business affairs of the Church.  As such, the Deacons:

  • Prepare and administer the Church’s operating and capital budgets.
  • Determine the compensation, benefits and other terms of employment of all employees of the Church.
  • Purchase and maintain insurance coverage for the Church.
  • Care for and control the real and personal property of the Church, including its use, construction, maintenance, repair, improvement, mortgage, purchase or sale.
  • Count and safeguard all gifts to the Church.


  • A man or woman who meets all of the Biblical qualifications for the office, including but not limited to those found in I Timothy 3: 8-13 and Acts 6: 1-6.
  • Personally committed to the vision, ministries, goals and objectives of the Church.
  • A Member of Christ Church for at least two years before standing for office.

ELECTION AND SERVICE.  Deacons are elected by the Members at each Annual Meeting of the Church.  They serve three-year terms (no more than two, consecutively) and meet monthly.

CONFIDENTIALITYAll nominees will be prayerfully considered by the Deacons, but will not necessarily be contacted by the Deacons.  For that reason, we ask that you not tell anyone else that you have submitted this nomination.

Current Elders


Leaders elected by the congregation for a fixed term. The Elders are the ultimate governing board of the church. They not only act as counselors to and co-laborers with the Lead Pastor, they develop and guard our vision and mission and help shepherd the congregation.


  • Pranob Bhattacharya
  • Bob Buckley
  • Phil Chung
  • Nathan Clayton
  • Jeff Hays (Chair)
  • Dave Kawala
  • Scott Morcott
  • Michael Walsh
  • Mike Woodruff
  • Tony Zamble

Elder Process

RESPONSIBILITIES. Except for matters specifically reserved to the Members, the Elders oversee and are ultimately responsible for all the affairs of the Church.  As such, the Elders:

  • Act as counselors to and co-laborers with the Senior Pastor in (i) shepherding, praying for, teaching, leading, visiting and overseeing the flock of Christ; and (ii) developing and guarding the vision, ministries, goals and objectives of the Church.
  • Encourage, support and oversee the work of the Senior Pastor.
  • Advise and consent to the calling or dismissal of certain church staff.
  • Provide Biblical Counsel as necessary.
  • Ordain, install, license and/or commission pastors, missionaries and others.


  • A man who meets all of the Biblical qualifications for the office, including but not limited to those found in I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9.
  • Personally committed to the vision, ministries, goals and objectives of the Church.
  • A Member of Christ Church for at least two years before standing for office.

ELECTION AND SERVICE.  Elders are elected by the Members at each Annual Meeting of the Church.  They serve four-year terms (no more than two, consecutively) and meet up to twice monthly.

CONFIDENTIALITYAll nominees will be prayerfully considered by the Elders, but will not necessarily be contacted by the Elders.  For that reason, we ask that you not tell anyone else that you have submitted this nomination.