The Good Work Summit
Saturday, October 14, 10 AM – 3:30 PM
at Christ Church Lake Forest
Cost is $69 per person.
Research suggests you will spend 90,000 hours working. And that only includes paid work of an average employee. If Annie Dillard is right that “how we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives,” then we want to make our lives count. We want to do good work.
Good Work Summit will be a learning experience that uncovers modern work realities by examining our cultural moment, the calling to work, and highlighting good work done by organizational leaders. The Christian tradition contains abundant resources for thinking through our modern complexities. You will hear from leading thinkers in the field and join discussions with like-minded colleagues.
You can grow as a leader. You can work differently. You can help society grow in virtue as those more committed to serving others through good work.
Conversations will cover: God’s Intention for Your Work; Loss of Trust in Leadership; Spiritual Formation at Work; Unpaid Work as Work; Business Ethics; Challenges of the C-Suite.
We have a fantastic lineup of speakers and panelists ready to share their wisdom. Click here to learn more about them and to see the day’s schedule.