Thanks for checking out MOPS/MOMSnext!
We are a group of mamas who want to do life together through prayer, support, encouragement, and uplifting. If you are looking for some mama friends who will lift you up and be here for you then look no more– come join us as we grow together in motherhood!
Twice a month, we meet together to enjoy some fellowship through a video, guest speaker or craft together while we talk all about motherhood and grow together. As we fill our hearts, we also fill our bellies with a yummy breakfast because let’s be real, we know getting out the door isn’t always easy! We hope you’ll join us! Get more information below.
1350 IL-137, Grayslake, 60030
Meets monthly:
1st and 3rd Thursday at church for brunch, craft, some fellowship, and an encouraging message from a speaker.
2nd Thursday for a Playdate 9:15-11:15 am. Location TBD.
4th Thursday for Mom’s Night Out 7:00 pm. Location TBD.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to mopscccr@gmail.com.
Free Trial
Want to check out what MOPS is all about? Sign up for a free trial day to come in a check it out!