Giving at Christ Church
Stewarding the resources God has given us
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
We are excited that you have partnered with us
in our mission to help people discover life with God.
Each year we set a budget in line with our vision to fuel a movement that reaches people and renews communities. Generosity is a lifelong journey whereby we give of the resources God has given to us as stewards. No matter where you are on your generosity journey we encourage you to pray that God would direct you how much to give and where to give.
Ways to Give
You can drop your gift in the offering boxes at the back of the sanctuary.
Use the app
Download the Christ Church app: search Christ Church IL in the app store.
Mail a Check
100 N. Waukegan Rd.
Lake Forest, IL 60045
ACH Giving
Download this ACH form and return
completed form to Christ Church.
Planned Giving
Give via retirement planning, legacy, trusts, etc. as part of your overall financial strategy.
The Paths to Giving

A First Gift is just that – it marks the first time you make a contribution to the church. This is generally done in response to understanding God’s love and being instructed about giving from his Word.
2 Corinthians 8:7-15

A Consistent Giver is someone who decides to make giving a consistent part of their life.
2 Corinthians 9:6-8

An Intentional Giver is someone who relates their giving to other things. Rather than giving out of what is left after they spend on other matters, they give first. Often this is done by establishing the percentage of household income that will go to the cause of Christ.
Luke 14:28-35

A person who tithes gives the first ten percent of their income to the Lord. This practice, which is taught in the Bible, is rooted in the belief that everything belongs to God and that the first-fruits (first portion) of that provision is to be given back to Him in recognition of His ownership and in thanksgiving for providing for us.
Malachi 3

A Legacy Giver is someone who thinks about the long-term effects of generosity. They choose to live below their means in order to give more than ten percent of their income away.
1 Timothy 6:6-19